Slide Background

NFBS is committed to helping equip men and women of God to serve according to the spiritual giftings
and abilities God has given them.

Do you want to be a "KABULIG" scholar?

At NFBS, we believe that everyone deserves the opportunity to pursue their calling and fulfill their potential. We are committed to supporting students on their academic journey and equipping them for a lifetime of service and leadership in ministry.

Apply for our scholarship programs today and take the first step towards realizing God’s calling in your life!

Please fill-out the form and call the office!

Do you want to be a SPONSOR?

Supporting NFBS scholars is sowing seeds of faith and knowledge that will flourish for generations to come. Every donation, prayer, and act of encouragement makes a difference in shaping dedicated servants of God. Support a scholar today!

Please fill-out the form and call the office!


Individual who wants to support one or more students

Group of like-minded individuals who want to support one or more students

Local church that sends student(s) to study

Local mission organization or NGO that wants to support one or more students